Accepting Payments on the Web

This month, Noel Rappin will be talking about accepting payments on the web:

Your customers have money, and you’d like them to give it to you. Payment gateways, such as Stripe, Braintree, and Paypal, make it easy to start charging credit cards and get the money flowing. But charging cards is only the beginning. You need to worry that your app responds gracefully to service failures, since charging a customer for a failed transaction is bad. You need to guard against fraud and security breaches. You need administrative tools that are flexible but secure. You want to test against external services. And you’ll run up against the law. Learn from some of my mistakes and build a robust financial application.

Noel Rappin is the Director of Development at [Table XI]. Noel has authored multiple technical books, including "Rails 4 Test Prescriptions", "Trust-Driven Development", and the forthcoming "Take My Money: Accepting Payments on the Web". Follow Noel on Twitter @noelrap, and online at

Perl Development Environment

This month, Jason Crome will be giving a talk on Perl development environment tooling like perlbrew, plenv, and Carton. These tools help to manage different Perl versions, different module versions, and help to isolate your development environments to help make dependency version problems manageable.

Bring your questions and your own experiences with maintaining a Perl development environment.

RSVP on the Chicago.PM Meetup

EDIT: Slides for Perl Development Environment Tooling have been posted to cromedome's Slideshare

Logging and Analytics Using Perl and Fluentd

This month, Jason Crome is giving a talk on using Fluentd for logging, and Perl for analytics:

Logging is one of the most important pieces you’ll have in any large-scale software system, and in a massively multiplayer game it’s even more critical. Using Ovid’s Veure MMO as an example, I’ll discuss what we are logging and why, how we use fluentd to collect information at all levels in the game’s stack, and the tools and processes we use to analyze that data.

RSVP on the Chicago.PM Meetup

EDIT: Slides for Logging and Analytics Using Perl and Fluentd have been posted to cromedome's Slideshare

Travis-CI for Perl and Introduction to Rex

This month, Doug Bell will be giving two short talks.

One talk is about using Travis-CI, a free continuous integration testing service, for Perl projects, and maximizing Travis's effectiveness. This talk introduces Graham Knop's Perl Travis Helpers, gets you started using Travis-CI, and shows how to configure Travis to cover edge cases like very old Perls and missing optional modules/features (using Devel::Hide).

The other talk is an introduction to Rex, a Perl-based server configuration management system. This talk was given informally at an office hours last year, but now it's a real talk with real slides! This talk introduces Rex, goes through simple configuration and tasks, and touches on some of the more powerful features of Rex such as the CMDB (Configuration Management Database).

RSVP on the Meetup

EDIT: Slides are now available for both talks on the Chicago.PM talks page: